At its core, a smart building uses a network of integrated systems and sensors to monitor and automatically control various operations within a facility. This includes everything from heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), lighting, security, elevators, and more. Data from the building's systems is collected and analysed, allowing for automated adjustments and predictive maintenance to maximise efficiency.  

Smart buildings optimise resources using a combination of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and software analytics. IoT sensors detect conditions like occupancy, temperature, humidity and more. Advanced analytics software processes the sensor data using machine learning algorithms to find opportunities for efficiency improvements and to make automatic adjustments. For example, smart HVAC controls can reduce energy usage by only heating or cooling occupied spaces as needed based on real-time occupancy data.

At enLighten Australia, we understand how to make buildings smarter and have developed a system called enLink that is transforming the way buildings are managed. By seamlessly integrating emergency lights, exit signs, and various sensors, enLink reduces the costs and resources involved in maintaining and monitoring these systems.

The primary benefits of smart building solutions can be broken down into three main areas: energy/sustainability, operational excellence, and occupant comfort/experience.

Energy Savings and Sustainability

Smart building technology like enLink can reduce building operational costs through intelligent controls, high-efficiency equipment, and predictive analytics. This results in a significantly smaller carbon footprint. Integrated sensors and reporting also help meet Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards.

Operational Improvements

All of the data collected from sensors and systems within a smart building provides facilities teams with deep visibility into operations. This newfound transparency helps identify areas for optimisation and streamlined processes. Equipment utility and life can be maximised and response times to issues are accelerated.

Occupant Experience and Safety

Beyond financial and environmental savings, smart buildings enhance safety and the experience for those working and living within the facility. Temperature, lighting, air quality, security access and more can be customised for each person's preferences. Emergency system uptime is assured. Predictive maintenance reduces equipment downtime and failures. Ultimately this creates a more productive, secure, and enjoyable environment.

The first step on the journey to make a building smarter does not necessarily need to be an expensive one.  Our enLink solution seamlessly integrates emergency lights, exit signs, and various environmental sensors onto a shared wireless infrastructure. This eliminates the excessive costs and resource usage of deploying separate systems for each function.

The buildings of the future are increasingly looking smarter and more sustainable. For owners and managers willing to embrace such technologies, the payoffs in improving their properties while slashing costs and environmental impact prove to be substantial.